Mari Kalkun releases animation film for ‘Mother Earth’ in collaboration with Brian Eno’s EarthPercent charity
The song, 'Maaimä', is about the controversial relationship between humans and nature.
Tue, 14 May 24
The Gloaming will play their only live shows of 2018 at the National Concert Hall in Dublin in March next year.
The first four shows have already sold out but three additional shows will go on sale on Wednesday 22 November at 10am.
The full run of dates is:
Monday 5 March SOLD OUT
Tuesday 6 March SOLD OUT
Wednesday 7 March SOLD OUT
Thursday 8 March SOLD OUT
Saturday 10 March
Sunday 11 March
Monday 12 March
All shows at 8.00pm
The song, 'Maaimä', is about the controversial relationship between humans and nature.
Tue, 14 May 24
Discovered in the label's archives, the album captures the singer at the height of his vocal powers.
Wed, 19 June 24
The new Real World X release is an eight-track aural journey to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
Fri, 29 March 24
French-Moroccan power quartet Bab L' Bluz, release the third track from their album Swaken.
Fri, 05 April 24