Stories of Stonia

Mari Kalkun

Released 07 July 2023

  1. Munamäe Loomine (The Creation of Munamägi)
  2. Suur Tamm (The Great Oak)
  3. Maaimä (Mother Earth)
  4. Tõistmuudu (Otherwise)
  5. Kui Kivid Olid Veel Pehmed (When the Stones Were Still Soft)
  6. Kuldnaine (Golden Woman)
  7. Lend Põhjataeva All (Flight Beneath the Northern Sky)
  8. Mu Välläkoolõmise Pääl Kiil (My Dying Language)
  9. Leelu

Liner notes

With a voice that seems to speak to us from the heart of the Estonian forest, Mari Kalkun’s music is at once of a place and deeply personal. Rooted in ancient Estonian and Võru traditions, but beautifully fresh and contemporary, Stories of Stonia reaches back to very old layers of tradition to imagine what Mari’s ancestors would have thought and sung about the world in an era of skyscraper, steel and metal. Throughout the album’s nine songs, Mari explores humanity’s controversial relationship with nature with powerfully emotive musical backdrops. One of Northern Europe’s most important folk singers, Mari has created a mysterious and magical album.

Mari Kalkun - Tõistmuudu (Otherwise) [Official Video]


Kõigi lugude muusika autor MARI KALKUN /
All music composed by MARI KALKUN
5. lugu kirjutatud koos DANIEL HERSKEDALIGA / Track 5 co-written with DANIEL HERSKEDAL
Sõnade autorid / Lyrics
MARI KALKUN (1, 2, 6, 7), LEILA HOLTS (3), JAAN KAPLINSKI (4), HASSO KRULL (5), TRIINU LAAN (8), fragmendid regilauludest / fragments from runo songs (1, 2, 9)
Väljahaudumine / Produced by
Kokkumängumaagia / Mixing magic MARTIN KIKAS
Kõlakujundus / Mastering KAUR KENK
Fotod ja kujundus / Photos and design PEETER LAURITS
Riietus / Wardrobe TRIINU PUNGITS
Tõlked inglise keelde / English translations KRISTI LAHNE
Korraldus / Management MARILI JÕGI

hääl, kandled, klaver, elektroonika, elektriorel, viiul, väiksed löökriistad, vibrafon, saunaviht /
vocals, zithers, piano, electronics, electric organ, violin, small percussion instruments, vibraphone, sauna whisk
Teppo lõõts / Teppo accordion TARMO NOORMAA (1)
Kontrabass / double bass / prepared double bass NATHAN RIKI THOMSON (2, 4, 6)
Tuuba, trompet / Tuba, trumpet DANIEL HERSKEDAL (5)
Trummid / percussion
Bass ja trumm / Bass and drum TANEL KADALIPP (8)
Regilaulikud / Runo singers
MARI KILU, LIISU TAMP (8), Jõelähtme 1936 Salvestus Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiivist / A recording from the Estonian Folklore Archives of the Estonian Literary Museum

Further Listening

  • The Gloaming

    The Gloaming

    Released 17 January 2014

    The Gloaming carves new paths connecting the rich Irish folk tradition and the New York contemporary music scene. From haunting sean-nós songs to raucous folk explosions, they make music that is both ancient and utterly new: respecting traditions whilst bringing an unconventional energy into the mix.
  • Anian


    Released 28 April 2016

    ‘Anian’ is 9Bach's third album. Like 2014's ‘Tincian’ it begins in North Wales, but broadens out through Greek and Near Eastern influences into an emotional tour de force. Angry, sad, but most of all passionate at the state of the world, the album taps into a truly universal language.

Further reading

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