Mari Kalkun releases animation film for ‘Mother Earth’ in collaboration with Brian Eno’s EarthPercent charity
The song, 'Maaimä', is about the controversial relationship between humans and nature.
Tue, 14 May 24
Julio Moreno is a previously unreleased track recorded live at Real World Studios in 1991 as part of the sessions for the La Candela Viva album, produced by the legendary Phil Ramone.
La Candela Viva (live at Real World Studios)
El Pescador (live at Quai Branly)
The making of the album ‘La Candela Viva’
Adios Fulana (live at Quai Branly)
The song, 'Maaimä', is about the controversial relationship between humans and nature.
Tue, 14 May 24
During their North American tour in July 2024, Bab L' Bluz visited the studios of KEXP in Seattle to...
Fri, 25 October 24
French-Moroccan power quartet Bab L' Bluz, release the third track from their album Swaken.
Fri, 05 April 24
Righteous anger has never felt so warm and convincing. Or so goddam danceable.
Thu, 15 February 24