Mari Kalkun releases animation film for ‘Mother Earth’ in collaboration with Brian Eno’s EarthPercent charity
The song, 'Maaimä', is about the controversial relationship between humans and nature.
Tue, 14 May 24
Like listening to the planet from outer space, Big Blue Ball is the sound of a world playing together. Peter Gabriel and Karl Wallinger, who led the project from its inception at Real World Recording Week 1991, reflect on the epic process at the time of its long-awaited release in 2008.
Whole Thing
Meri Awaaz Suno (Hear My Voice)
The song, 'Maaimä', is about the controversial relationship between humans and nature.
Tue, 14 May 24
The Almighty Groove is the new production imprint of long-time musical adventurer, John Hollis.
Fri, 15 November 24
Righteous anger has never felt so warm and convincing. Or so goddam danceable.
Thu, 15 February 24
New folk duo Owen Spafford & Louis Campbell visited the studio to record a new EP for Real World X.
Tue, 05 March 24